Dermatology Focused Mobile Application
An Innovative Solution to Empower Providers
to Prescribe More Efficiently

Provide Easy Access to Your Company’s Resources

Be in the Know With KnowPro

KnowPro is a Dermatology Focused Application to allow dermatology healthcare providers and their staff easy access to Dermatology Companies, Products, Dosing, Rep Locator, Sample Requests, Company and Medication Data & Updates, Co-pay Assistance Programs, Pharmacy Partners, Marketing Sales Aids, and much more.

, LLC realizes that with the fast-paced and changing medical landscape, healthcare providers need ease of access to their industry partners.  With over 50 dermatology companies and more than 50 reps calling on dermatology healthcare providers in one geographic region it can be a cumbersome task to get all the up-to-date information to the prescriber and their healthcare team.  KnowPro integrates with your current marketing and sales plan to allow free access through an easily downloadable application to all dermatology healthcare providers and staff.


KnowPro is as an extension to the sales representative, the marketing department, and the medical science liaison.  The team at KnowPro, LLC will work with your company’s representative to design your own unique page within The KnowPro Dermatology Application to your company’s specifications.


Request More Information

Media Intergration Package

Target Audience, Adoption, & Utilization

Expected to reach over 15,000 Dermatology healthcare providers & their staff

Phase 1-IV Marketing & Implementation Strategy

Adoption Rates

Phase I-II:  500-1,000 Target Users

Phase III-IV:  1,500-2,000 Target Users

Q2 2020:  Estimated Users 3,000

Standard Features

Company “About Us” Page

Share Your Product Message

Co-Pay Assistance

Pharmacy Partners

Find a Rep

Request Samples

Additional Opportunities

Banner Ads on KnowPro Application

Banner Ads on KnowPro Landing Page

Push Notifications for New Data & Information

Quarterly Surveys to Database on Specific Products & Assist with Market Research

Find a Rep & Sample Request Integration


Development Opportunities

  • Prior authorization assistance
  • Template letters for prior authorizations and pre-determination of benefits
  • MSL email and request information for scientific information
  • Journal articles
  • Ask a question
  • Marketing & Training videos
  • Webcasts on demand
  • Integrated surveys
  • Calendar of company events – i.e. dinner programs, product theaters, etc

Marketing Plan, Target Audience, Adoption & Utilization

KnowPro will be marketed to dermatology healthcare providers across the United States.  There are approximately 9600 dermatologists (excluding residents and fellows) and approximately 4800 dermatology physician assistants and over a 1000 dermatology nurse practitioners.  This does not include staff implementation.  For each provider who registers for KnowPro we estimate at least one staff member will register as well. 


Development Timeline

Phase I Development-Q2 2019

  • KnowPro Landing Page to include Logos and Links to KnowPro’s Industry Partners
  • Pre-Beta Launch Registration through Landing Page for target audience
  • Advertisements and Banner Ads in The Dermatologist and Derm Times
  • Social media and Ecampaigns
  • Marketing through dermatology healthcare professional organizations and conferences
  • All marketing material will have Industry Partner’s Logo
  • Industry partner’s sales representatives can also promote KnowPro as an extension of their company’s marketing plan

Phase II Beta Launch-Q3 2019

  • KnowPro Beta downloadable version
  • Pre-registered users will be notified
  • Second phase of marketing to target audience
  • Exhibit at pertinent conferences and seminars to promote KnowPro, assist user download, and explain the benefits of the application for optimal utilization

Phase III-Analytics-Q4 2019

  • Phase III Anayltics-Q3 2019
  • Throughout Phase I, II, and III analytics will be calculated to evaluate the adoption rate of KnowPro. These analytics will drive marketing efforts.  KnowPro will also survey their users on the pros and cons of KnowPro to allow improvements to the application.

Phase IV-Future Integration & Implementation Q4 2020

  • Continued integration of new applications and future opportunities
  • Transition and discussion of conversion of KnowPro Beta to Final Launch Version
  • Testimonials of Users and YouTube Implementation for Marketing, User How-To Videos, and potential advertising opportunities for industry partners

Interested in the KnowPro Dermatology Digital Media Opportunity?

Contact a KnowPro Representative at [email protected].